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Reporting Specifications


All reports shall be made available via the FI server. Participant that may require access to these reports shall apply the access credential through our administrator or Developer Portal.


Reports from RPP

Report CodeDescriptionNaming ConventionFormatFile TypeFrequencyStatus
PSR02Participant Settlement FileRPP_<BICFI>_PSR02_<yyyymmdd>_<cycle>TXTFixed-length2 cycles per dayActive
CBPSR02Cross Border Participant Settlement FileRPP_<BICFI>_CBPSR02_<yyyymmdd>_<cycle>TXTFixed-length2 cycles per dayActive
TAR02Transaction Daily FileRPP_<BICFI>_TAR02_<yyyymmdd>TXTDelimited by "|"DailyActive
CBTAR02Cross Border Transaction Daily FileRPP_<BICFI>_CBTAR02_<yyyymmdd>TXTDelimited by "|"DailyActive
TAR04Transaction Settlement Cycle FileRPP_<BICFI>_TAR04_<yyyymmdd>_<cycle>TXTDelimited by "|"2 cycles per dayActive
CBTAR04Cross Border Transaction Settlement Cycle FileRPP_<BICFI>_CBTAR04_<yyyymmdd>_<cycle>TXTDelimited by "|"2 cycles per dayActive
PFMR02Participant Fee Monthly FileRPP_<BICFI>_PFMR02_<yyyymmdd>TXTDelimited by "|"MonthlyActive
SRTR02SAF Rejected Transactions FileRPP_<BICFI>_SRTR02_<yyyymmdd>TXTDelimited by "|"DailyActive
SRTR04SAF Successful Transactions FileRPP_<BICFI>_SRTR04_<yyyymmdd>TXTDelimited by "|"DailyActive
SER02SAF Exception FileRPP_<BICFI>_SER02_<yyyymmdd>TXTDelimited by "|"DailyActive
NADM02NAD Maintenance FileRPP_<BICFI>_NADM02_<yyyymmdd>TXTDelimited by "|"DailyActive
NADM03NAD Deregistration Requests by ParticipantsRPP_<BICFI>_NADM03_<yyyymmdd_NN>
NN = Sequence Number e.g. 01,02...99
TXTDelimited by "|"Daily
(may be sent multiple times using sequence number)
NUSR01NAD Usage Statistics ReportRPP_<BICFI>_NUSR01_<yyyymmdd>PDFDailyActive
MRR02Merchant Registration FileRPP_<BICFI>_MRR02_<yyyymmdd>TXTDelimited by "|"DailyActive
CMR02Consent Maintenance File (CMR02)RPP_<BICFI>_CMR02_<yyyymmdd>TXTDelimited by "|"DailyActive
CMR04Consent Maintenance File for Direct Debit (CMR04)RPP_<BICFI>_CMR04_<yyyymmdd>TXTDelimited by "|"DailyActive
CBSF02Service Fee for DuitNow Cross Border Fund Transfer (CBSF02)RPP_<BICFI>_CBSF02_<yyyymmdd>

RPP_PAYNET_<Settlement Bank/Switch>_CBSF02_<yyyymmdd>
TXTDelimited by "|"DailyActive

Reports from FIs

No.DescriptionNaming ConventionFormatFile TypeFrequencyStatus
1.On-Us Itemised Report<yyyymmdd><BICFI>01Data File (.txt)Delimited
(Delimiter: Pipe - |)
2.On-Us Summarised Report<yyyymmdd><BICFI>02Data File (.txt)Delimited
(Delimiter: Pipe - |)
3.QR Merchant Registration & Termination Report<yyyymmdd><BICFI>03Data File (.txt)Delimited
(Delimiter: Pipe - |)

Participant Settlement File (PSR02)

This is the RPP Settlement file generated for the Participants at each settlement cycle.



PSR02 (Cycle)

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PSR02 (Daily)

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Field NameLengthDescription
RECORD TYPEPIC 9 (02)Value “01” to indicate HEADER record
REPORT DATEPIC X (08)Report Date in (yyyyMMdd) format. E.g. 20171023


Field NameLengthDescription
RECORD TYPEPIC 9 (02)Value “02” to indicate rejected transaction records for that cycle
SETTLEMENT CYCLEPIC 9 (02)Settlement Cycle Value. E.g. "001" or "002"
SERVICE TYPEPIC 9 (3)Business purpose of the transaction i.e. Credit Transfer, Payment Return etc. (E.g 011 – Reverse Credit Transfer)
TRANS VOLUME (DR)PIC 9 (18)Total volume of debited record count.
TRANS AMT (DR)PIC X (15)Transaction Debited Amount. This amount will be presented in 999999999999.99 format. For e.g. RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00
TRANS VOLUME (CR)PIC 9 (18)Total volume of credited record count.
TRANS AMT (CR)PIC X (15)Transaction Credited Amount. This amount will be presented in 999999999999.99 format. For e.g. RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00
DEBIT CREDITPIC X (2)This is the debit or credit for Nett Total amount. For e.g. CR is positive value while DR is negative value for Nett
NETT TOTALPIC X (15)NETT TOTAL PIC X (15) Nett Transaction Amount. This amount will be presented in 999999999999.99 format. For e.g. RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00


Field NameLengthDescription
RECORD TYPEPIC 9 (02)Value “03” to indicate FOOTER record
TOTAL RECORD COUNTPIC 9 (18)Total record count, excluding header and trailer records.

Cross Border Participant Settlement File (CBPSR02)

This is the RPP Settlement file generated for the Participants at each settlement cycle for Cross-Border transactions.



CBPSR02 (Cycle)

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CBPSR02 (Daily)

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ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate HEADER RecordValue “01”
Numeric (2)
2Report DateDate the report is generated<yyyyMMdd>
Numeric (8)


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate rejected transaction records for that cycleValue "02"
Numeric (2)
2Settlement CycleSettlement Cycle Value"001" or "002"
Numeric (3)
3Service TypeBusiness purpose of the transaction :
- 031 – Cross Border QR (POS)
Numeric (3)
4Currency CodeApplicable currency used in the transactionE.g. THB, SGD, IDR
Alphabet (3)
5Trans Volume (DR)Total volume of debited record count.Numeric (15)
6Trans Amt (DR)Total transaction debit amount in MYRPresented in 999999999999.99 format. Eg: RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00
Decimal (15,2)
7Foreign Amount (DR)Total transaction debit amount in foreign currencyDecimal (15,2)
8Trans Volume (CR)Total volume of credited record countNumeric (15)
9Trans Amt (CR)Total transaction credit amount in MYRPresented in 999999999999.99 format. Eg: RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00
Decimal (15,2)
10Foreign Amount (CR)Total transaction credit amount in foreign currencyDecimal (15,2)
11Debit CreditThis is the debit or credit for Nett Total amount. For e.g. CR is positive value while DR is negative value for Nett Total.Decimal (15,2)
12Nett TotalNett Transaction Amount in MYRPresented in 999999999999.99 format. Eg: RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00
Decimal (15,2)


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate FOOTER RecordValue “03”
Numeric (2)
2Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records.Numeric (15)

Participant Fee Monthly Report (PFMR01)

This is a monthy report generated to inform Participants of the fees incurred within the month.


ColumnField NameDescription
1TRANS DATETransaction Date
2SCHEMEFee Scheme ID
3OFI TRANS VOLUMETransaction Volume Initiated as OFI
4TRANS PRFProcessing Fee for OFI Transactions due to RPP
5TRANS CRFCapture Reimbursement Fee for OFI Transactions due to RPP
6CC TRANS VALUECredit Card Transaction Value for OFI Transactions
7CC FEECredit Card Transaction Fee for OFI Transactions due to RPP
8NAD VOLUMENAD Message Volume
9NAD FEENAD Message Fees
10TOTAL PAYABLE FEETotal Fee Due to RPP for OFI Transactions
11RFI TRANS VOLUMETransaction Volume Received as RFI
12TRANS CRFCapture Reimbursement Fee for RFI Transactions due from RPP
13CC TRANS VALUECredit Card Transaction Value as RFI
14CC FEECredit Card Transaction Fee for RFI Transactions due from RPP
15TOTAL RECEIVABLE FEETotal Fee Due from RPP for RFI Transactions

Participant Fee Monthly File (PFMR02)

This is the RPP Settlement file generated for the Participants at each settlement cycle for Cross-Border transactions.





ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate HEADER RecordValue “01”
Numeric (2)
2Report DateDate the report is generated<yyyyMMdd>
Numeric (8)


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate Transaction recordsValue "02"
2SchemeFee Scheme ID
3Minimum Monthly Transaction Fee (RM)Minimum Monthly Transaction Fee (RM)Presented in 2 decimal places
4Ad Hoc FeeAd Hoc FeePresented in 2 decimal places
5Service TypeService Type
6On-Us Transaction (By Participant)On-Us Transaction Volume that Participant processed internally (volume and value for certain service type)
7On-Us Transaction (By RPP)On-Us Transaction Volume that RPP processed (volume and value for certain service type)
8Off-Us TransactionOff-Us Transaction Volume (outgoing/incoming and volume/value for certain service type)
9On-Us Transaction Processing FeeOn-Us Transaction Processing FeePresented in 2 decimal places
10Off-Us Transaction Processing FeeOff-Us Transaction Processing FeePresented in 2 decimal places
11Off-Us Transaction Capture Reimbursement FeeOff-Us Transaction Capture Reimbursement FeePresented in 2 decimal places
12Off-Us Transaction LOCAF FeeOff-Us Transaction LOCAF FeePresented in 2 decimal places
13Inquiry VolumeInquiry Volume
14Proxy Resolution FeeProxy Resolution FeePresented in 2 decimal places
15Total FeeTotal FeePresented in 2 decimal places
16Nett TotalNett TotalPresented in 2 decimal places
17MTDMonth-to-Date (from start until the end of the month)
18Transaction VolumeTotal numbers of industry transaction volume by service type within the month
19Transaction ValueTotal value of industry transaction by service type within the monthPresented in 2 decimal places


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate FOOTER RecordValue “03”
Numeric (2)
2Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records.Numeric (15)

Transaction Daily File (TAR02)

This is a daily file generated that contains all the RPP transactions initiated by the Participants. This can be used by the Participants to reconcile transactions against the settlement amount.



TAR02 Sample File

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Field NameLengthDescription
RECORD TYPEPIC 9 (02)Value “01” to indicate Header record
REPORT DATEPIC X (08)Report Date in yyyyMMdd format. E.g. 20171023


Field NameLengthDescription
RECORD TYPEPIC 9 (02)Value “02” to indicate Transaction records
SETTLEMENT CYCLEPIC 9 (03)Settlement Cycle Value. E.g. "001" or "002"
INITIATION DATEPIC X (14)Date and time at which the transaction was created (yyyymmddhhmmss)
MSG IDPIC X (35)Transaction reference set by the Originator bank (OFI)
BUSINESS MSG IDPIC X (35)Business Message Id from the OFI
SERVICEPIC 9 (3)Business purpose of the transaction i.e. Credit Transfer, Payment Return etc. (E.g 011 – Reverse Credit Transfer)
SCHEME IDPIC X (8)Name of the scheme that manages a creditor or debtor of the non-participating bank to process their payments. Scheme has a direct relationship with the process
OFI CODEPIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor
OFI ACC NOPIC 9 (34)Debtor’s Account Number
OFI ACC TYPEPIC X (4)Debtor’s Account Type
OFI ACC NAMEPIC X (140)Debtor’s Name
RFI CODEPIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor
RFI ACC NOPIC 9 (34)Creditor Account Number
RFI ACC TYPEPIC X (4)Creditor’s Account Type
RFI ACC NAMEPIC X (140)Creditor Name
TRANS AMOUNTPIC X (15)Transaction Amount or Reversed Amount. This amount will be presented in 999999999999.99 format. For e.g. RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00
TRANS STATUSPIC X (4)Status of the transaction
TRANS SUB CODEPIC X (4)Transaction's sub response code for Transactions under ACCEPTED status
COMPLETED DATEPIC X (14)Date and time at which the transaction was completed (yyyymmddhhmmss)


Field NameLengthDescription
RECORD TYPEPIC 9 (02)Value “03” to indicate Footer record
TOTAL RECORD COUNTPIC 9 (18)Total record count, excluding header and trailer records.

Cross Border Transaction Daily File (CBTAR02)

This is a daily file generated that contains all the cross-border RPP transactions initiated by the Participants. This can be used by the Participants to reconcile transactions against the settlement amount.



CBTAR02 Sample File

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ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate HEADER RecordValue “01”
Numeric (2)
2Report DateDate the report is generated<yyyyMMdd>
Numeric (8)


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate Transaction recordsValue "02"
Numeric (2)
2Settlement CycleSettlement Cycle Value"001" or "002"
Numeric (3)
3Initiation DateDate and time at which the transaction was created<yyyymmddhhmmss>
Numeric (14)
4Message IDTransaction reference set by the Originator bank (OFI)AlphaNumeric (35)
5Business Message IDBusiness Message Id from the OFIAlphaNumeric (35)
6Service TypeBusiness purpose of the transaction
i.e. 031 – Cross Border QR (POS)
7Scheme IdName of the scheme that manages a creditor or debtor of the non-participating bank to process their payments. Scheme has a direct relationship with the processAlphanumeric(3)
8OFI CodeFinancial institution servicing an account for the payerAlphanumeric (8)
9OFI Acct AccPayer’s Account NumberAlphanumeric (40)
10Acct TypePayer’s Account TypeAlphabet (4)
11Acct NamePayer’s NameFreeform (140)
12RFI CodeFinancial institution servicing an account for the merchantAlphanumeric (8)
13RFI Acct NoMerchant Account NumberAlphanumeric (40)
14Acct TypeCreditor’s Account TypeAlphabet (4)
15Acct NameCreditor NameFreeform (140)
16Trans AmountTransaction Amount in MYRDecimal (15,2)
17CurrencyTransaction CurrencyAlphabet (3)
18Foreign Amt.Transaction Amount in Foreign CurrencyDecimal (15,2)
19FX RateApplicable FX RatePresented in 4 – 6 decimalsDecimal (15,6)
20FX Ref. No.Ref. No. for FX Rate quotedNumeric (12)
21Trans StatusStatus of the transactionAlphabet (4)
22Trans Sub CodeTransaction's sub response code for TransactionsAlphanumeric (4)
23Completed DateDate and time at which the transaction was completed<yyyymmddhhmmss>
Numeric (14)
24Payment DescriptionParticipating Switch’s Transaction IDAlphanumeric (40)


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate FOOTER RecordValue “03”
Numeric (2)
2Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records.Numeric (15)

Transaction Settlement Cycle File (TAR04)

This is a daily file generated that contains all the RPP transactions initiated by the Participants as well as received by the Participants.



TAR04 Sample File

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Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “01” to indicate HEADER record
Report DatePIC X (08)Report Date in yyyymmdd format. E.g. 20171023
Settlement CyclePIC 9 (03)Settlement Cycle Value. E.g. "001" or "002"


Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “02” to indicate Transaction records
Initiation DatePIC X (14)Date and time at which the transaction was created (yyyymmddhhmmss)
Message IdPIC X (35)Transaction reference set by the Originator bank (OFI)
Business Message IdPIC X (35)Business Message Id from the OFI
ServicePIC 9 (3)Business purpose of the transaction i.e. Credit Transfer, Payment Return etc. (E.g 011 – Reverse Credit Transfer)
Scheme IdPIC X (8)Name of the scheme that manages a creditor of the non-participating bank to process their payments. Scheme has a
(Creditor Bank)direct relationship with the process
OFI CodePIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor
OFI Account NumberPIC 9 (34)Debtor’s Account Number
OFI Account TypePIC X (4)Debtor’s Account Type
OFI Account NamePIC X (40)Debtor’s Name
RFI CodePIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor
RFI Account NumberPIC 9 (34)Creditor Account Number
RFI Account TypePIC X (4)Creditor’s Account Type
RFI Account NamePIC X (40)Creditor Name
Transaction AmountPIC X (15Transaction Amount or Reversed Amount. This amount will be presented in 999999999999.99 format. For e.g. RM1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00
Transaction StatusPIC X (4)Status of the transaction
Transaction Sub CodePIC X (4)Transaction's sub response code for Transactions under ACCEPTED status
Completed DatePIC X (14)Date and time at which the transaction was completed (yyyymmddhhmmss)


Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “03” to indicate FOOTER record
Total Record CountPIC 9 (18)Total record count, excluding header and trailer records.

Cross Border Transaction Settlement Cycle (CBTAR04)

This is a daily file generated that contains all the cross-border transactions initiated by the Participants as well as received by the Participants.



CBTAR04 Sample File

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CBPSR02 (Daily)

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ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate HEADER RecordValue “01”
Numeric (2)
2Report DateDate the report is generated<yyyyMMdd>
Numeric (8)
3Settlement CycleSettlement Cycle Value"001" or "002"
Numeric (3)


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate Transaction recordsValue "02"
Numeric (2)
2Initiation DateDate and time at which the transaction was created<yyyymmddhhmmss>
Numeric (14)
3Message IDTransaction reference set by the Originator bank (OFI)AlphaNumeric (35)
4Business Message IDBusiness Message Id from the OFIAlphaNumeric (35)
5Service TypeBusiness purpose of the transaction
i.e. 031 – Cross Border QR (POS)
6Scheme IdName of the scheme that manages a creditor or debtor of the non-participating bank to process their payments. Scheme has a direct relationship with the processAlphanumeric(3)
7OFI CodeFinancial institution servicing an account for the payerAlphanumeric (8)
8OFI Acct AccPayer’s Account NumberAlphanumeric (40)
9Acct TypePayer’s Account TypeAlphabet (4)
10Acct NamePayer’s NameFreeform (140)
11RFI CodeFinancial institution servicing an account for the merchantAlphanumeric (8)
12RFI Acct NoMerchant Account NumberAlphanumeric (40)
13Acct TypeCreditor’s Account TypeAlphabet (4)
14Acct NameCreditor NameFreeform (140)
15Trans AmountTransaction Amount in MYRDecimal (15,2)
16CurrencyTransaction CurrencyAlphabet (3)
17Foreign Amt.Transaction Amount in Foreign CurrencyDecimal (15,2)
18FX RateApplicable FX RatePresented in 4 – 6 decimalsDecimal (15,6)
19FX Ref. No.Ref. No. for FX Rate quotedNumeric (12)
20Trans StatusStatus of the transactionAlphabet (4)
21Trans Sub CodeTransaction's sub response code for TransactionsAlphanumeric (4)
22Completed DateDate and time at which the transaction was completed<yyyymmddhhmmss>
Numeric (14)
23Payment DescriptionParticipating Switch’s Transaction IDAlphanumeric (40)


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeIndicate FOOTER RecordValue “03”
Numeric (2)
2Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records.Numeric (15)

SAF Rejected Transactions File (SRTR02)

This report contains transactions that were rejected by the RFI during the store and forward process. These records will be extracted from the SAF table whose transaction status is RJCT. This will only include those transactions that were rejected outright by the RFI. It will not include those rejected transactions due to timeout.



SRTR02 Sample File

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Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “01” to indicate HEADER record
Report DatePIC X (08)Report Date in (yyyyMMdd) format. E.g. 20171023


Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “02” to indicate rejected transaction records for that cycle
Initiation DatePIC X (14)Date and time at which the transaction was created (yyyymmddhhmmss)
Message IDPIC X (35)Transaction reference set by the Originator bank (OFI)
Business Message IdPIC X (35)Business Message Id from the OFI
ServicePIC 9 (3)Business purpose of the transaction i.e. Credit Transfer, Payment Return etc. (E.g 011 – Reverse Credit Transfer)
Scheme Id(Creditor Bank)PIC X (8)Name of the scheme that manages a creditor of the non-participating bank to process their payments. Scheme has adirect relationship with the process
OFI CodePIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor
OFI Account IdPIC 9 (34)Debtor’s Account Number
OFI Account TypePIC X (4)Debtor’s Account Type
OFI NamePIC X (40)Debtor’s Name
RFI CodePIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor
RFI Account IdPIC X (35)Creditor Account Number
RFI Account TypePIC X (4)Creditor’s Account Type
RFI NamePIC X (40)Creditor’s Name
Transaction AmountPIC X (15)Transaction Amount or Reversed Amount. This amount will be presented in 999999999999.99 format.


Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “03” to indicate FOOTER record
Total Record CountPIC 9 (18)Total record count, excluding header and trailer records

SAF Successful Transactions File (SRTR04)

This report contains transactions that were successful accepted by the RFI during the store and forward process.



SRTR04 Sample File

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Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “01” to indicate HEADER record
Report DatePIC X (08)Report Date in (yyyyMMdd) format. E.g. 20171023


Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “02” to indicate rejected transaction records for that cycle
Initiation DatePIC X (14)Date and time at which the transaction was created (yyyymmddhhmmss)
Message IDPIC X (35)Transaction reference set by the Originator bank (OFI)
Business Message IdPIC X (35)Business Message Id from the OFI
ServicePIC 9 (3)Business purpose of the transaction i.e. Credit Transfer, Payment Return etc. (E.g 011 – Reverse Credit Transfer)
Scheme Id(Creditor Bank)PIC X (8)Name of the scheme that manages a creditor of the non-participating bank to process their payments. Scheme has adirect relationship with the process
OFI CodePIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor
OFI Account IdPIC 9 (34)Debtor’s Account Number
OFI Account TypePIC X (4)Debtor’s Account Type
OFI NamePIC X (40)Debtor’s Name
RFI CodePIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor
RFI Account IdPIC X (35)Creditor Account Number
RFI Account TypePIC X (4)Creditor’s Account Type
RFI NamePIC X (40)Creditor’s Name
Transaction AmountPIC X (15)Transaction Amount or Reversed Amount. This amount will be presented in 999999999999.99 format.


Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “03” to indicate FOOTER record
Total Record CountPIC 9 (18)Total record count, excluding header and trailer records

NAD Maintenance File (NADM02)

This file contains all the NAD transactions initiated by the Participant within the day.



NADM02 Sample File

Download sample file



Field NameDescriptionFormat
Record TypeTo indicate HEADER recordValue “01”
Report DateThe Date the Report is generated foryyyyMMdd


Field NameDescriptionFormat
Record TypeIndicate maintained NAD records for that dayValue “02”
Business Message IDBusiness Message Id from the OFIyyyymmddhhmmss
Maintenance TypeType of maintenance that was carried out on the NAD proxy record
Proxy TypeType of proxy record being maintained
Proxy IDValue being set as the Proxy IDRevel Account Detail (Clear Text)
Secondary ID TypeType of Secondary ID record used
SECONDARY IDCustomer's secondary ID value being setRevel Account Detail (Clear Text)
Bank CodeBIC Code of Account Holder Bank
Account NumberAccount number being tagged to the proxy record
Account TypeAccount Type being tagged to the proxy record
Account NameAccount name being tagged to the proxy record
Registration IDUnique ID to represent the NAD proxy record
Completion DateDate of transactionyyyyMMdd


Field NameDescriptionFormat
Record TypeIndicate FOOTER recordValue “03”
Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records

NAD Deregistration Requests by Participants (NADM03)

The file is used to deregister the proxy or proxies for a Secondary ID from the NAD in case the proxy or Seconday ID of the Customer has changed. It is submitted by the Participants to PayNet daily and contains all Customer’s proxies or Secondary IDs that have been updated. PayNet will use this file to deregister the Participant’s Customers’ proxy or proxies for a Secondary ID.



NADM03 Sample File

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Field NameDescriptionFormat
Record TypeTo indicate HEADER recordValue “01”
Report DateThe Date the Report is generated foryyyyMMdd


Field NameDescriptionFormat
Record TypeIndicate Transaction recordsValue “02”
Maintenance TypeType of maintenance that was carried out on the NAD proxy recordDefault to "DEAC"
Proxy TypeType of proxy record being maintainedValid values NRIC, PSPT, BREG, MBNO, ALL . “ALL” shall be used if Secondary ID is updated.
Proxy IDValue being set as the proxy IDCustomer's old proxy that was changed. “ALL” shall be used if Secondary ID is updated.
Secondary ID TypeType of secondary ID record usedValid values NRIC, PSPT, BREG, MBNO
Secondary IDCustomer's unique ID tied to their accounts. Possible values are:
  • NRIC (without hyphens)
  • Passport Number (include Country of Issuance)
  • Business Registration Number (without hyphens)

Passport Number: Follow with the ALPHA-3 country code of the country of issuance. e.g. E394029340VSGP

Refer to this list for the ALPHA-3 Country codes

Mobile Number : (International Dialling Code preceding with '+') plus (up to 15 digits Mobile Number) *include the full mobile number (including country code/area code) in the field. e.g. +60104940394

Refer to this list for the International dialling country codes


Field NameDescriptionFormat
Record TypeIndicate FOOTER recordValue “03”
Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records

NAD Usage Statistics Report (NUSR01)

NAD Usage Statistics Report contains reports on proxy administration and usage per channel and customer types. This report will be generated per Participant.



NUSR01 Sample Report

Download sample file


Report Header:

ColumnField NameDescription
1Report NameName of the Report
2Report DateDate the report is generated
3Participant IDBIC Code of the Bank

Report Body:

ColumnField NameDescription
1Customer TypeCustomer Type (E.g. Retail or Corporate)
2ChannelChannel Name (E.g. Internet Banking, Mobile Banking etc)
3No of Look-Ups RequestedThe number of Look-Ups requested
4No of Look-Ups RespondedThe number of Look-Ups performed where the recipient is the Participant's customer(s)
5Successful RegistrationThe number of successful registrations (new)
6Unsuccessful RegistrationThe number of unsuccessful registrations (new)
7DeregistrationThe number of deactivated registrations

Report Footer:

ColumnField NameDescription
1Active DuitNow NADTotal active DuitNow NAD
2Inactive DuitNow NADTotal inactive DuitNow NAD

SAF Exception File (SER02)

SAF Exception File contains all those transactions that have not been cleared from SAF. Reasons for the exception can be any of the following:

  • Timeout in RPP when sending SAF transactions
  • RFI is inactive so SAF transactions cannot be sent



SER02 Sample File

Download sample file



Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “01” to indicate HEADER record
Report DatePIC X (08)Report Date in (yyyyMMdd) format. E.g. 20171023


Field NameLengthDescription
RECORD TYPEPIC 9 (02)Value “02” to indicate Transaction records
SETTLEMENT CYCLEPIC 9 (03)Settlement Cycle Value. E.g. "001" or "002"
INITIATION DATEPIC X (14)Date and time at which the transaction was created (yyyymmddhhmmss)
MSG IDPIC X (35)Transaction reference set by the Originator bank (OFI)
BUSINESS MSG IDPIC X (35)Business Message Id from the OFI
SERVICEPIC 9 (3)Business purpose of the transaction i.e. Credit Transfer, Payment Return etc. (E.g 011 – Reverse Credit Transfer)
SCHEME IDPIC X (8)Name of the scheme that manages a creditor or debtor of the non-participating bank to process their payments. Scheme has a direct relationship with the process
OFI CODEPIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor
OFI ACC NOPIC 9 (34)Debtor’s Account Number
OFI ACC TYPEPIC X (4)Debtor’s Account Type
OFI ACC NAMEPIC X (40)Debtor’s Name
RFI CODEPIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor
RFI ACC NOPIC 9 (34)Creditor Account Number
RFI ACC TYPEPIC X (4)Creditor’s Account Type
RFI ACC NAMEPIC X (40)Creditor Name
TRANS AMOUNTPIC X (15)Transaction Amount or Reversed Amount. This amount will be presented in 999999999999.99 format. For e.g. RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00


Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (02)Value “03” to indicate FOOTER record
Total Record CountPIC 9 (18)Total record count, excluding header and trailer records.

Merchant Registration File (MRR02)

This file contains the merchant acquired by Participants.



MRR02 Sample File

Download sample file



Field NameDescription
Record TypeValue “01” to indicate HEADER record
Report DateDate the Report generated for in format (yyyyMMdd)


Field NameDescription
Record TypeValue “02” to indicate Transaction records
Merchant NameMerchant Name
BRN No.Merchant’s Business Registration Number
SegmentMerchant's Segment
SectorMerchant Business Sector
Business CategoryMerchant’s Business Category
Merchant IDMerchant ID
Product IDProduct ID
Product NameName of Product
Acquiring BankMerchant's Acquiring Bank
Registered ServicePaynet's Service(s) that the Merchant is registered
Request Submission DateDate the Registration Request is submitted
Requested Go Live DateThe date that the service would go live for the merchant, as request by the merchant


Field NameDescription
Record TypeValue “03” to indicate FOOTER record
Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records

This file contains all the Consent transactions initiated by the Participant within the day.





ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeValue “01” to indicate HEADER record
2Report DateReport Date in yyyyMMdd format. E.g. 20171023<yyyyMMdd>


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record Typeto indicate Registration recordsValue “02”
2Message IDTransaction reference set by the OFI
3Business Message IDBusiness Message ID from OFI
4OFI CodeBIC Code of OFI
5Maintenance TypeType of maintenance that was carried out on the Consent
  • New Registration (803, 813, 822, 823)
  • Edit (761)
  • Transfer (762)
  • Terminate (763, 764)
6Consent IDID of consent being maintained
7Merchant IDMerchant ID tagged
8Product IDProduct ID tagged
9Secondary Id TypeType of Secondary Id record used
10Secondary IdSecondary ID being tagged to the consentAccount Detail (Clear Text)
11Debtor BICDebiting Bank of the consent.
12Account TypeDebiting account type of the consent
13Debiting AccountDebiting account of the consentClear Text
14Debiting Account NameDebiting account name
15Consent AmountMaximum debiting amountPresented in 999999999999.99 format.
Eg: RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00
16Consent FrequencyConsent frequency
  • 01="Unlimited
  • 02="Daily
  • 03="Weekly"
  • 04="Monthly"
  • 05="Quarterly"
  • 06="Yearly"
17Consent ExpiryExpiry date of consent<yyyyMMdd>
18Creditor BICCrediting Participant of the consent


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeValue '03' to indicate FOOTER record
2Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records

This file contains all the Consent transactions initiated by the Participant within the day.





ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeValue “01” to indicate HEADER record
2Report DateReport Date in yyyyMMdd format. E.g. 20171023<yyyyMMdd>


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record Typeto indicate Registration recordsValue “02”
2Message IDTransaction reference set by the OFI
3Business Message IDBusiness Message ID from OFI
4OFI CodeBIC Code of OFI
5Maintenance TypeType of maintenance that was carried out on the Consent (802)
6Consent IDID of consent being maintained
7Merchant IDMerchant ID tagged
8Product IDProduct ID tagged
9Secondary Id TypeType of Secondary Id record used
10Secondary IdSecondary ID being tagged to the consentAccount Detail (Clear Text)
11Debtor BICDebiting Bank of the consent.
12Account TypeDebiting account type of the consent
13Debiting AccountDebiting account of the consentClear Text
14Debiting Account NameDebiting account name
15Consent AmountMaximum debiting amountPresented in 999999999999.99 format.
Eg: RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00
16Consent FrequencyConsent frequency
  • 01="Unlimited
  • 02="Daily
  • 03="Weekly"
  • 04="Monthly"
  • 05="Quarterly"
  • 06="Yearly"
17Consent ExpiryExpiry date of consent<yyyyMMdd>
18Creditor BICCrediting Participant of the consent
19Reference IDDirect Debit Mandate Payment Reference number


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeValue "03" to indicate FOOTER record
2Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records

Service Fee for DuitNow Cross Border Fund Transfer (CBSF02)

This file contains the service fee for DuitNow Cross Border Fund Transfer transactions initiated by the Participant within the day.





ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeValue “01” to indicate HEADER recordValue “01”
2Report DateReport Date in yyyyMMdd format. E.g. 20240216<yyyyMMdd>


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeTo indicate service fee recordsValue “02”
2Service TypeService type for transaction (111)
3OFI CodeBIC Code of OFI
4RFI CodeBIC Code of RFI
5FX RateFX rate value
6Service Fee ChargedService fee charged value:

Remmitance flowService fee value
Outbound transaction (Malaysia remit to Singapore)SGD 1.00
Inbound transaction (Singapore remit to Malaysia)MYR 3.50

*Service fee value will be fixed value
7Transaction CountTotal count of successful transaction
8Total Service FeeValue of (Service Fee * Transaction Count)
9Total Transaction Value - SGDTotal transaction value in SGD
10Total Transaction Value - MYRTotal transaction value in MYR


ColumnField NameDescriptionFormat
1Record TypeValue "03" to indicate FOOTER recordValue “03”
2Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records

On-Us Report

This is the On-Us report generated by the FI that should contain all the transactions triggered through RPP.

Itemised Report

The itemised On-Us report should be submitted before 10AM daily for transactions from the previous day.


On-Us Itemised



Field NameLengthFormat
1Record TypePIC 9 (2)Value “01” to indicate HEADER record
2Report DatePIC X (8)Report Generation Date in yyyyMMdd format. E.g. 20171023
3ORI CodePIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor/creditor


Field NameLengthDescription
1Record TypePIC 9 (2)Value “02” to indicate Transaction records
2Initiation DatePIC X (14)Date and time at which the transaction was created (yyyyMMddHHmmss)
3Message Id (MsgId)PIC X (35)Transaction reference set by the Originator bank (OFI)
4Business Message Id (BizMsgId)PIC X (35)Business Message Id from the OFI
5ServicePIC 9 (3)Business purpose of the transaction i.e. Credit Transfer, QR transaction, Payment Return etc. (E.g 011 – Reverse Credit Transfer)
6Scheme Id(Creditor Bank)PIC X (8)Name of the scheme that manages a creditor of the non-participating bank to process their payments. Scheme has a direct relationship with the process
7OFI BankPIC X (8)ORI Bank Code
8OFI Customer typePIC X (1)Individual or Business. R: Retail C: Corporate
9OFI Account NumberPIC 9 (34)Debtor’s Account Number
10OFI Account TypePIC X (4)Debtor’s Account Type
11OFI Account NamePIC X (140)Debtor’s Name
12RFI BankPIC X (8)RFI Bank Code
13RFI Customer TypePIC X (1)Individual or Business. R: Retail, C: Corporate
14RFI Account NumberPIC 9 (34)Creditor Account Number

For DuitNow QR transactions: to populate the value same as TAR report i.e. QR_ID

15RFI Account TypePIC X (4)Creditor’s Account Type. Valid value: CACC, LOAN, SVGS, CCRD
16RFI Account NamePIC X (140)Creditor Name
17Transaction AmountPIC X (15)Transaction Amount or Reversed Amount. This amount will be presented in 999999999999.99 format. For e.g. RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000001000.00
18Proxy TypePIC X (4)Mobile, NRIC, Army/Police Number, Passport or Business Registration Number. Valid value: NRIC, ARMN, MBNO, BREG, PSPT

Note: Applicable only for services that uses NAD Proxy

19Proxy ValuePIC X (140)Variable

Note: Applicable only for services that uses NAD Proxy

20Proxy Registration IDPICX (35)Proxy unique registration id

Note: Applicable only for services that uses NAD Proxy

21Transaction StatusPIC X (4)Status of the transaction. Valid value: ACSP, RJCT
22Transaction Reason CodePIC X (4)Transaction reason code for Transactions under ACCEPTED status(e.g. U000-Success/ Transaction accepted, U110-Payment not accepted, U804-Alias Not Found)
23Transfer ChannelPIC X (2)Mobile / ATM / IB. RM: Retail Mobile Banking, CM: Corporate Mobile Banking, CB: Corporate Internet Banking, RB: Retail Internet Banking, OT: Other
24Future Dated FlagPIC X (1)To indicate if this is a future dated transaction, Y/N
25Completed DatePIC X (14)Date and time at which the transaction was completed (yyyyMMddHHmmss)
26On-us / Off usPIC X (2)To indicate if this is on-us or off-us transaction. 01: On-us 02: Off-us

Summarised Report

The summarised On-Us report should be submitted before 10AM on the first (1st) day of the following month for the transactions from the previous month.


On-Us Summarised



Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (2)Value “01” to indicate HEADER record
Report DatePIC X (8)Report Generation Date in yyyyMMdd format. E.g. 20171023
ORI CodePIC X (8)Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor/creditor
Total Record CountPIC 9 (18)Total record count, excluding header and trailer records.


Field NameLengthDescription
Record TypePIC 9 (2)Value “02” to indicate Transaction records
Transaction TypePIC X (3)Type of the transaction. 010 – CT, 110 – DuitNow, 011 – Reversal, 030 – QR Merchant, 040 – QR P2P
Transaction StatusPIC X (4)Status of the transaction. Valid value: ACSP, RJCT
Total Transaction CountPIC 9 (18)Total transaction count
Total Transaction AmountPIC X (18)Transaction Amount or Reversed Amount. This amount will be presented in 999999999999999.99 format. For e.g. RM 1000.00 will be shown as 000000000001000.00

QR Merchant Registration & Termination Report

This is a monthly report to be generated by participants in text format to inform PayNet on the details of QR Merchant registered and terminated with the participant.

Participants are required to submit the report before 10:00 AM on the first (1st) day of the following month containing information of successfully registered / terminated merchants occurred in the preceding month.

Should there be any revision to the information previously submitted, participants are to resubmit the merchant's information in the succeeding submission.


QR Merchant Registration and Termination Report



Field NameDescriptionFormatMandatory/Optional
1Record TypeValue “01” to indicate HEADER recordValue "01", Numeric (2)Mandatory
2Report DateReport Date in yyyyMMdd format. E.g. 20171023yyyyMMdd, Numeric (8)Mandatory
3Total Record CountTotal record count, excluding header and trailer records.NumericMandatory


Field NameDescriptionFormat & LengthMandatory/OptionalValid Values
1Record TypeValue “02” to indicate Registration recordsNumeric (2)Mandatory02
2Acquirer ParticipantAcquirer Participant’s BIC CodeAlphaNumeric (8)Mandatory
3Registration DateDate and time at which the Merchant registration was submittedyyyyMMddHHmmss, Numeric (14)Mandatory
4Approval DateDate and time at which the Merchant registration was approved. If not applicable, to be the same as Registration date.yyyyMMddHHmmss, Numeric (14)Mandatory
5Effective DateDate and time at which the Merchant start receiving payments via DuitNow QR. If not applicable, to be the same as Approval date.yyyyMMddHHmmss, Numeric (14)Mandatory
6Collection Account Participant (Settlemen Bank)BIC Code where merchant collection account is maintained. If same as Acquirer Participant, use Acquirer Participant BIC Code.AlphaNumeric (8)Mandatory
7Merchant NameMerchant Company Name. This should be same as in the QR Code.AlphaNumeric Symbol (Var. up to 25)Mandatory
8QR IDMerchant QR ID. This should be same as in the QR Code.AlphaNumeric (28)MandatoryKindly ensure value is consistent with QR ID in transaction
9Merchant Category Code (MCC)Defined by ISO18245. This should be same as in the QR Code.Numeric (4). Please refer to list of valid valuesMandatoryPlease refer to the list of valid MCC here
10Merchant Acceptable Source of FundMerchant acceptable source of fundAlphabet (20)MandatoryCACC, SVGS, CCRD, WALL
11Dynamic QRDynamic QR StatusAlphabet (1)MandatoryY/N
12Services SubscribedServices that Merchant will be using.AlphaNumeric (50)Mandatory030, 240, 250, 032. for details, please refer to RPP Transaction Codes
13Business Registration NumberMerchant’s business registration number.
  1. For merchants registered with SSM, please populate New BRN (12 digit number) e.g. 200801035403
  2. For merchants not registered with SSM: please provide as per merchant registration.
  3. For individual / sole proprietor that does not have business registration, please provide NRIC / Passport Number of the Business owner
AlphaNumeric (30)Mandatory
14Mobile NumberMerchant’s mobile number. Please include country code. (+60.....)AlphaNumeric (15) with country codeMandatory
15StatusStatus of Merchant. REG (Registration), TER (Termination)Alphabet (3)MandatoryREG or TER
16ReasonOnly applicable if Status = TER. Reason description for terminated merchantFreeform (150)Conditional
17Merchant registered legal entity nameRegistered full name of the merchant entity. If the merchant is an individual / sole proprietor, please provide full name of the Business ownerAlphaNumeric (100)Mandatory
18Old Business Registration Number (BRN)Applicable for SSM registered merchants: Old Business Registration Number e.g. 836743-D if ‘Business Registration Number’ field is populated with old BRN value, participant should populate New BRN e.g. 200801035403 into the Business Registration Number fieldAlphaNumeric (15)Conditional
19MSIC Sector codeSector of merchant business according to 5-digit Malaysia Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2008 codeNumeric (5)MandatoryPlease refer to the list of valid MSIC 2008 Codes here
20Annual Sales TurnoverMerchant’s annual sales turnover in Ringgit Malaysia. For company size / MSME visibility. E.g. 500000, 2230000Numeric (15)Optional
21Number of full-time employeesMerchant’s number of full-time employee. For company size / MSME visibility.e.g 50, 122.Numeric (6)Optional
22Merchant Business SizeMerchant's Business/Company Size according to sector, full-time employee & sales turnover per SSM definitionAlphabet (6)MandatoryPlease refer to the list of valid Business Size here
23Merchant StateState of Merchant’s outlet location where QR is usedAlphaNumeric (50)MandatoryPlease refer to list of valid State values here
24Merchant DistrictDistrict of Merchant’s outlet location where QR is usedAlphaNumeric (50)MandatoryPlease refer to list of valid District values here
25Merchant PostcodePostcode of Merchant’s outlet location where QR is usedNumeric (5 digit)MandatoryPlease refer to list of valid Postcode values here
26Settlement Account NumberMerchant’s crediting account number with the Collection Account Participant (settlement bank). This is different from QR_ID.AlphaNumeric (30)Mandatory

Please refer to here for the following fields

  1. Merchant Category Code (MCC)
  2. MSIC Sector code
  3. Merchant Business Size
  4. Merchant State
  5. Merchant District
  6. Merchant Postcode

FI Server Paths


This is where Participants upload the reports, e.g.:

  • On-us transaction report

SIT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/inbound_sit/onus/<report or file name>

UAT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/inbound_uat/onus/<report or file name>

PROD: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/inbound/onus/<report or file name>

This is where Participants upload the batch files, e.g.:

  • RTP batch file
  • Consent batch file
  • RTD batch file

SIT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/inbound_sit/batchfile/<report or file name>

UAT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/inbound_uat/batchfile/<report or file name>

PROD: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/inbound/batchfile/<report or file name>

This is where Participants upload the QR Merchant Registration report

SIT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/inbound_sit/QR_reg/<report or file name>

UAT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/inbound_uat/QR_reg/<report or file name>

PROD: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/inbound/QR_reg/<report or file name>

This is where Participants download the phase-1 reports from RPP, e.g.:

  • Transaction reports
  • SAF reports
  • Settlement reports

SIT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/outbound_sit/<yy-mm-dd>/<report or file name>

UAT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/outbound_uat/<yy-mm-dd>/<report or file name>

PROD: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/outbound/<yy-mm-dd>/<report or file name>

This is where Participants download the reports from RPP, e.g.:

  • Transaction reports
  • SAF reports
  • Settlement reports
  • Request-to-Pay reports
  • Consent reports

SIT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/outbound_p2_sit/<yy-mm-dd>/<report or file name>

UAT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/outbound_p2_uat/<yy-mm-dd>/<report or file name>

PROD: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/outbound/<yy-mm-dd>/<report or file name>

This is where Participants download the batch file results, e.g.:

  • RTP batch result file
  • Consent batch result file
  • RTD batch result file

SIT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/outbound_sit/batchfile_return/<report or file name>

UAT: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/outbound_uat/batchfile_return/<report or file name>

PROD: <BICCODE>/RPP/<mmm>/outbound/batchfile_return/<report or file name>